Player Range Manipulation

The Range Selector works the same way in all sections (odds calculator, range builder, solver). It looks like this:

Range Selector

It's composed of:

  • Matrix: this matrix displays all posible preflop combos. You can click and drag to select more than one at a time. To deselect, start by clicking on a combo that's already selected. Behaviour is modified if you have Suit Selection enabled.
  • Suit Selection: this button modifies the click and drag behaviour of the matrix. If enabled, after clicking and dragging on the matrix a pop up will appear letting you choose which individual hands should be added to the range based on the suit.
  • Show Weighted: this option is useful to visualize either if all hands of a combo are selected or if specific hands/combos have a weight lower than 100%, which is the default. For example, if you only have pairs of aces which contain the Ace of Hearts, then only 50% of the box will fill up to reflect that.
  • Clear: this button will reset the range selector to it's defaults and it will delete the range.
  • Weight: the slider will determine the weight of future additions to the range, as long as they were added visually.
  • Range: the actual range of the player. You can manually edit this textfield.

This is the suit selection pop up:

Suit Selection

This is how the "Show Weighted" option modifies the visuals:

Show Weighted


To describe the patterns that the range textfield accepts we will define 'R' as rank (A, K, .. , 2) and 's' as suit (spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds). With that in mind, these are the acceptable patterns:

  • RsRs: that is two cards, or a single hand. Examples: AcAd, Js5h, 2s2d.
  • RR: a combo that will decompose into its suited and offsuited versions if it's not a pair. Examples: AA, K5 (K5s and K5o).
  • RRs: a suited combo. Only valid if the combo is not a pair. Examples: AJs, KQs.
  • RRo: an offsuited combo. Only valid if the combo is not a pair. Examples: AJo, KQo.
  • RR+: a combo and all the higher ranking combos. You can also apply the '+' to suited ('s') or offsuited ('o') combos. For pairs it selects that pair and all higher ranking pairs. For non-pairs it fixates the higher rank and increases the lower rank to select all of these combos. Examples: QQ+ (QQ, KK, AA), 85+ (85, 86, 87), T7s+ (T7s, T8s, T9s).
  • RR-RR: a range of combos. Either they are both pairs or both non-pairs that share a rank. Examples: 99-66 (99, 88, 77, 66), KJ-K8 (KJ, KT, K9, K8), 97s-94s (97s, 96s, 95s, 94s).
  • 'random': this will add everything to the range with a weight of 100%.

The weight modifier is just an '@' followed by 1 or 2 digits (1-99). Example: AA@50 (AA with a weight of 50%).